Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jayden's First Birthday!

Mashing the Birthday Cake!

It's hard to believe a whole has gone by since little Jayden was born! On the actual day of his birthday, we just had a present and, well, everyday is kind of like a birthday for a 1 year old.
 Jayden seems to like doing this lately!

 Jayden's first birthday present!
He didn't really get the whole present thing, so his big sister Lily helped.

That following weekend, Ryan and Nicole invited everybody to Gibson Park for a real party. We had hamburgers and hot dogs and Shelly made a sacrificial birthday cake. When we raised our boys, we somehow got into the habit of letting them tear up the birthday cake with their bare hands! The boys have never forgotten that and so we offered one for Jayden.
 The cake!

Well, it took a while for the cake to be served, and Jayden was a little worn out from all of the excitement; he had to take a short siesta.
But he woke up in time to enjoy the cake and resumed his position of life of the party!!
Happy Birthday Jayden!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Recent Pictures of Jayden!

Hey look! Jayden's waving!

It's been a while, so thought I'd post some new pictures of Jayden. Hey stayed with us for a weekend at the end of April...

Sharing the paper with Grandma. He's already looking at car ads.

Having a laugh with Gramps.

Not sure if he's enjoying himself here.

He suddenly became self aware!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trying out the Blogger link in Picassa...why not a new picture of Jayden?!
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