The hardwood floor installed!
Today was a big day in our kitchen remodel journey. The flooring was installed today. The flooring guys actually started yesterday, ripping out the old carpet and prepping the floor. Today, they did the hardwood floor. Tomorrow, the carpet in the living room is replaced.
The flooring looks really good, and it seems a lot lighter to the eye that the old brown carpet, even though when you held the two of them up side by side, they seemed close in hue. Something about the reflective quality of the wood, I guess. Really brightens the place up. The new baseboard also looks pretty good, I'm not sure if these pictures will show it off.
Another view.
A peek at the kitchen.
As I said, tomorrow morning we get the front living room carpeted. Next week will be finishing the tile, installing the appliances, and finishing the electrical work. We're almost there!
Not-so-great shot of the hallway.